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Engendering Engineering Success

Update!  Our first white papers from the ESS project are posted at https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/diversity

The EES project is currently in the Reporting Phase. 

Study 1: Organizational Policies and Practices – Report


Identify which human resources policies and practices best predict the retention and advancement of women engineers. One individual from participating organizations will provide information on company policies.


  • Participant must represent an organization that has at least 3 female engineers in Canada.
  • Participant must be aware of the human resources policies and practices of their organization.

Time Commitment

About 1 hour in total over two sessions:

  • 20-minute online survey;
  • 30-minute telephone interview.


Dr. Michelle Inness, University of Alberta School of Business
e: michelle.inness@ualberta.ca

Study 2: Employee Experiences – Report


Examine daily workplace interactions between male and female engineers and identify how policies best promote positive workplace interactions.


  • Pairs or groups of engineers that work together in a Canadian workplace. Each group must have both men and women engineers.
  • Participants must have internet access over the 2-3 week study period.

Time Commitment

About 4 hours in total through online surveys:

  • 10-minute initial survey;
  • 30-minute survey at beginning and end of study;
  • 15-minute daily survey for 10 consecutive work days.


By participating, employees are playing a proactive role in creating a more inclusive and supportive workplace. Participants will receive a $25 coffee card as a thank you for their time.*

* Companies who offer work time for the surveys may request not to have the coffee cards offered.


Dr. Toni Schmader, Professor, UBC Psychology
Canada Research Chair in Social Psychology

William Hall, Ph.D. Candidate
e: wmhall@psych.ubc.ca

Corporate Participation


Analyze the intersections between organizational policies and employee experiences to identify policies that promote inclusive workplace culture.

Company Commitment

  • Participate in Study 2: Organizational Policies and Practices.
  • Distribute a recruitment email to identified eligible groups of engineers for Study 2.
  • Allow participating engineers to complete online surveys during company time.


Corporate participants will receive early results from the study, creating a competitive advantage that allows for early implementation of identified best practices. You will receive:

  • Pre-print of overall research results;
  • A summary of how the overall findings can be used in organizations.

Additional Incentive

Companies with at least 30 men and 30 women engineers participating in Employee Experiences in addition to participating in Organizational Policies and Practices will receive a summary of company-specific trends.

To Participate

The study is now closed.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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