The NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, BC and Yukon, is pleased to announce the Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology (WWEST) Partners Project. This project provides funding to non-profit groups in BC and the Yukon who are undertaking outreach, recruitment, and/or retention projects focusing on women in engineering, science and technology. The WWEST Partners project aims to bring together groups with similar goals from across the region to share best practices and provide peer support, while reducing duplication of effort.
BC & Yukon Regional Post-Secondary WWEST Partners
WIE UBC: Women in Engineering, UBCWIE UBC aims to create opportunities for female students in engineering to network with peers, faculty and industry professionals, while enhancing professional competencies through workshops and events. Website: |
UBC Okanagan, Women in Science and EngineeringThe Women in Science Committee at UBC Okanagan supports the success of young women transitioning from their undergraduate education to a career in science. They present workshops that address career topics for undergraduate and graduate students, and facilitate mentoring between students and industry professionals. Website: |
Women in Physics Canada 2013 ConferenceThe 3rd Women in Physics Canada Conference brought together young women in physics, astrophysics and engineering to share research concerns, advice and experiences, and to work on issues relevant to succeeding in education and research and launching a science/technology-oriented career Website: |
Leadership Through Diversity at UVICLeadership Through Diversity is a student-run group that aims to provide engineering students with a chance to get involved in leadership-building opportunities, develop their soft skills, promote self development, and increase involvement in faculty-related events and socializers. Website: |
UBC WIE and SFU WEG, Enhancing Collaboration InitiativeThe first step towards a more formal collaboration between the three groups servicing female students in Engineering at UBC, SFU and BCIT, this initiative aims to create a wider support network for female students studying engineering in the greater Vancouver area. The initiative will allow students to better educate themselves about post-graduate opportunities and challenges, including obtaining advice on work-life balance and graduate studies. |
SFU WEG and SFU WICSSFU Women in Computing Science (WICS) and Women in Engineering Group (WEG) are collaborating to strengthen the voice of women in Computing Science and Engineering, and to support and guide women from both schools throughout their academic career. WWEST supports the group’s Corporate Opportunities Program that aims to offer guidance into the corporate world through networking events and company visits. Website: and |
Canadian Undergraduate Math ConferenceThe Canadian Undergraduate Math Conference (CUMC) is the largest gathering of undergraduate students with an interest in mathematics-related fields. The WWEST Partners project supported their ‘Women in Mathematics’ dinner at the 2012 CUMC, aimed at bringing women in mathematics-related careers together with female mathematics students, to share their experience in surmounting the challenges faced by women in this field. |
Symposium for Women Entering Ecology and Evolution Today (SWEEET) 2013The goal of SWEEET is to address issues that influence the advancement of women with postgraduate degrees in ecology and evolution into academic, government, NGO, and industry positions. The 2013 symposium was hosted by UBC Okanagan, at their Kelowna campus. Website: |
UBC WISE (Women in Science and Engineering)The UBC WISE networking event brings together women engineering and science students with industry mentors in a “speednetworking” setting, providing inspiration, motivation, and new perspectives on their future careers. Website: |
Other Post-Secondary Groups
- University of British Columbia, Faculty of Applied Science
- University of British Columbia, Faculty of Science
- University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus,
- University of Victoria, Faculty of Engineering
- Women in Engineering and Computer Science UVic (WECS)