Conference & Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Hall, W., Schmader, T., & Croft, E. (2015). Engineering Exchanges: Daily Social Identity Threat Predicts Burnout Among Female Engineers. Social Psychological & Personality Science.
- Hall, W., Schmader, T., & Croft, E. (2013). Engineering Equality: How Negative Interactions Undermine the Health and Well-Being of Male and Female Engineers. Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, NSERC, New Orleans, LA, USA, p. B93.
This paper examines the impact of interpersonal connections in the workplace on professional engineers’ health and well-being. Negative interpersonal experiences were the strongest predictor of health symptoms regardless of gender. Among women, but not men, negative interpersonal experiences also predicted lower organizational commitment and life satisfaction.
- Croft, E., Winkelman, P., Boisvert, A., & Patten, K. (2013). Global Engineering Leadership – Design and Implementation of Local and International Service Learning Curriculum for Senior Engineering Students. Canadian Engineering Education Association Conference, Montréal, Canada.
The design and impact of the newly-developed Global Engineering Leadership course at UBC, that allows senior engineering students to apply their coursework to an international service learning opportunity in Chiapas, Mexico.
Other Publications
- Pelletier, J. (2012). Salary and Contract Negotiation for Engineers. Ingenuity. Fall 2012/Winter 2013. p. 17. PDF version; ISSU version.
A brief overview of factors to consider when negotiating salaries and contracts.
- Croft, E. & Pelletier, J. (2012). Diversity in Organizations – Why and How. Innovation. September/October 2012. p.18-20.
The benefits of diversity in an organization, and how to attract and retain a diverse workforce.
- Hollett, S., Emerson, C., Croft, E. & Pelletier, J. (2012). Advancing Women’s Leadership in SETT Fields. Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology Conference, Halifax, Canada.
An update on WWEST’s initatives:
- WWEST Summer 2011 Project Update
- WWEST Summer 2012 Project Update
- WWEST Year 3 Annual Report
- Creating Connections 2013 Report
- NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, BC and Yukon Region (WWEST) Formal Progress Report (Months 24-48)
Quick facts:
UBC Women in Engineering Statistics to 2012
An evaluation of changes in self-efficacy from the 2011 Leadership Development Workshops
Please check out our FAQ page for more one-page fact sheets on Women in Science, Engineering and Technology.