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UBC Mechanical Engineering Program Hiring an Instructor

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of British Columbia-Vancouver seeks an outstanding individual for a tenure-track position at the Instructor level in any area of Mechanical Engineering, but with preference given to candidates in the following areas: Naval Architecture, Design, Applied Mechanics, and Biomedical Engineering. The starting date will be July 2013, or […]

NOV 29 : BC WEN Presents Holiday Gathering

Holiday Gathering 6:00 pm – 8:30 am November 29th Vancouver Urban Winery Join the BC WEN for a casual evening of wine pairings and food at the Vancouver Urban Winery to kick off the 2012 Holiday Season. Open to members and non-members, men and women. BUY TICKETS

Nov 29 : December 6th Memorial service

The UBC December 6th Memorial is hosting a series of events and initiatives for National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.  Please promote these events to your networks. We hope to see everyone very soon.  The poster of events is  here To give you a bit of context, on December 6, 1989, […]

Lassonde School of Engineering : Faculty Member positions

Lassonde School of Engineering at York University is hiring for new faculty positions. Please visit http://lassonde.yorku.ca/new-faculty/ for more information.

Congratulations : Stephanie Wilson receives Emerging Leader in Technology Award from Minerva Foundation

“Wilson, 25, says mechanical engineering is not a career that most people envision for women. That became more obvious to her during a meeting in Calgary with a client. When she got up to speak, she noticed that it took a couple of minutes for several of the 15 to 20 men in the room […]

Nova Scotia’s Welcoming Workplaces : HR Toolkit

Nova Scotia has recently launched  Welcoming Workplaces. This is an HR Toolkit and a SkillsOnlineNS resource for employers. W Please see the press release and direct link to the tool for more information. http://novascotia.ca/news/release/?id=20121017001 http://business.novascotia.ca/en/home/businessprograms_info/workforcedevelopment/nshrtoolkit.aspx

Nov 17: SCWIST presents Native trees of B.C. Walk

EVENT NAME: Native trees of B.C. Walk—Discovering Vancouver’s native trees. EVENT DATE: Saturday 17 November 2012. Sunday 18 November in case of rain. EVENT TIME: 10 am – noon LOCATION: Meet along North Lagoon Drive at Tatlow Walk in Stanley Park. There is plenty of parking along North Lagoon Drive. Learn about native trees in […]

Article: ‘Academic Motherhood’

This article provides great advice for institutions and women faculty about how to make family and tenure track careers work for women. “Do colleges support professors who are mothers trying to balance their parental and professional responsibilities? Every few months, there is a debate prompted by a campus controversy or a new study. Two scholars […]

Article: Want equal pay? Many women still not speaking up when it comes to salary

This article by Erin Andersen,examines the salary gap between the genders. “If you start low, it is hard to catch up,” says Dr. Elizabeth Croft, an engineering professor at the University of British Columbia who conducts an annual workshop on negotiating salaries for her female students. At the seminar, she points out that women often […]

Article: Gender bias makes women choose careers outside hard sciences

“Scientists have solved the mystery behind women opting for careers outside hard sciences, citing gender discrimination as a major reason. Both male and female scientists view gender discrimination as a major reason women choose to pursue careers in biology rather than physics, researchers from Rice University claim. The new study surveyed 2,500 biologists and physicists […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
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