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Article: Why Bias Holds Women Back

Author Meg Urry, chairwoman of the department of physics at Yale University, gives her views regarding the study on implicit bias against women in science, as highlighted earlier this week in the NYT “When I was a young scientist, the dearth of female colleagues bothered me. So did the general lack of concern this raised in the […]

Oct 11 : International Day of the Girl

The United Nations has declared October 11, 2012 as the world’s first International Day of the Girl Child. Canada has led the international community in adopting this day, along with the support of Plan Canada.  This day will make a difference in the lives of girls and young women as citizens and as powerful voices […]

Oct 20 : SCWIST presents Mycology Tour in Pacific Spirit Park

Mycology Tour in Pacific Spirit Park Saturday October 20th, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Want to learn more about fungi? Now is the perfect time to get outside and learn something about our local forests before the rains come in to stay. Terry Taylor, formerly from the Science and Technology Division of the Vancouver Public […]

OCT 24 :BC WEN CowPower – Bakerview Ecodiary Tour

COWPOWER – BAKERVIEW ECODIARY TOUR The Cowpower team is delighted to invite you to attend an exclusive free tour of the Bakerview EcoDairy – Locally operated in Abbotsford, BC.  A unique chance to learn more about anaerobic digestion on BC Farms and how it is linked with  local sustainable agriculture, environmental sustainability, renewable electricity production, […]

Please Participate : Health and Well-being in the Workplace Study

Attention engineers! WWEST needs your help to figure out how to make your workplaces healthier and happier. All it takes is a few surveys and we’ll even give you a Starbucks gift card! Thanks in advance. Researchers at the University of British Columbia invite men and women to participate in a ground-breaking research project examining […]

WWEST Partners Call for Abstracts – OPEN! Submit by October 7, 2012

The NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, BC and Yukon, is pleased to announce the Westcoast Women in Engineering, Science and Technology (WWEST) Partner Project. This project will provide funding to non-profit groups in BC and the Yukon who are undertaking outreach, recruitment, and/or retention projects focusing on women in engineering, science and […]

Article: Bias Persists for Women of Science

“Science professors at American universities widely regard female undergraduates as less competent than male students with the same accomplishments and skills, a new study by researchers at Yale concluded.” For the full article please click here.

Article: IEEE provides the opportunity to Chat with Prominent Women Engineers

“Whether you want to get career guidance, find out what it’s like working in a field in which women remain a significant minority, or how to land that first job, you’ll get your chance over the next four weeks. To help introduce women to the engineering field, IEEE Women in Engineering is organizing a series […]

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship : Deadline Oct 6

Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship       Microsoft Research PhD Fellowships support students in the third and fourth years of their PhD studies in Computer Science, Mathematics, or Electrical Engineering. Deadline: Thursday, October 6, 2011 More information available at : http://www.grad.ubc.ca/awards/microsoft-research-phd-fellowship

Article : Can a Kids’ Toy Bring More Women Into Engineering?

“San Francisco-based entrepreneur Debbie Sterling wants to change that statistic. Sterling was trained as an engineer at Stanford, where she was one of 181 women in a program that graduated nearly 700 people in all. To even out the score, she decided to begin with an early intervention in a girl’s life, and she set […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
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