Oct 30: SCWIST BrownBag Series: Women in Science
The BrownBag Series is a monthly event organized by the Society of Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST) whose purpose is to provide a place for learning and discussion of topics to help women in STEM fields advance their careers. This week, Pamela Rogalski, the Co-founder and CEO of the Engineering Leadership Council will be the […]
Nov 15: SheTalks Technology
SheTalks Technology inspires connection through real women with real stories. You will hear 8 minute stories, not speeches, from women who’ve accomplished incredible tasks through adversity and challenge. In recognition of SFU’s leadership in technology development and technology education, SheTalks would like offer an opportunity for SFU students to feature their technological innovation though exhibition space. This event […]
Nov 3: BCWEN Speaker Breakfast: Merran Smith, Clean Energy Canada
BCWEN will be hosting a special breakfast on Tuesday, November 3, featuring Merran Smith, Executive Director of Clean Energy Canada. Merran will share her insights on Canada’s Energy Revolution and what it means for BC Jobs. This event is held in collaboration with Clean Energy BC’s Generate Conference. Click here for more information and to register.
Article: Gender balance: Women are funded more fairly in social science
Researchers have found that the gender gap in science grant application rate, success rate, and grant size doesn’t apply to UK social-science funding. This article in Nature discusses the significance of these findings.
Article: Being a Woman in STEM is Stressful
Check out this article explaining why women in STEM may experience a stress response when questioned about their career choice. Because of their underrepresentation, women in STEM often regularly question their place in these professions. When things feel uncomfortable … our brains can overinterpret the situation as an imminent threat. And there’s an evolutionary reason […]
Oct 19: Registration deadline for IBM and TD Bank Programming Challenge
Join the IBM and TD Bank Programming Challenge and win a trip to the finals to be held in Ottawa, ON at the Canadian Celebration of Women in Computing Conference (CAN-CWiC 2016) which takes place on January 21-23, 2016. The competition is open to all female students attending a Canadian university or college program. Click […]
Article: Women in the Boardroom: Slow Progress on a Global Basis
Although the proportion of women in the boardroom is increasing, the number of women leading boards is still low globally, according to a survey which found that women hold just 12% of seats worldwide and chair only 4% of boards. Click here to learn more.
Report: How advancing women’s equality can add to global growth
Researchers at McKinsey Global Institute estimate that if all countries match the rate of improvement in gender quality of the fastest-improving country in their region, as much as $12 trillion could be added in annual 2025 GDP. Click here to view a summary of the report.
Call for Proposals for WWEST & eng•cite Funding Partners Program!
WWEST is teaming up with eng•cite this year for our Funding Partners program, which supports community organizations promoting outreach, recruitment, and retention for girls and women in STEM. Organizations may apply for a 1 year grant of up to $5000 for new projects. Visit www.sfu.ca/wwest for more information. The application form and 1 page abstract will be due […]
York University Mechanical Engineering is Hiring Assistant/Associate Professors!
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at York University (Lassonde School of Engineering) is seeking three excellent candidates at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor. The application deadline is November 30, 2015, and the position start date is July 1, 2016. Click here to view the job description.