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Congratulations: Catherine Roome Received Engineers Canada Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession

Catherine Roome (P.Eng.), President & CEO of the BC Safety Authority received the Engineers Canada Award for the Support of Women in the Engineering Profession. Congratulations! Watch the Awards Gala video about her accomplishments, here: [Click Here to watch the video on Youtube]

Article: Recruiting Women for STEM Careers Isn’t Rocket Science

” Using data from her National Science Foundation (NSF) project at eight California community colleges, Donna Milgram has identified the key factors for recruiting and retaining women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs (STEM).” Click Here to read her full article on these key factors.    

Article: We Can STEM the Gender Gap

In her article “We Can STEM the Gender Gap “, Karen Purcell (P.E., founder, owner and president of PK Electrical) talks about why more women are not encouraged to follow STEM career paths. She asks “Why is there such a gender imbalance when it comes to the science, technology, engineering, and math (or STEM) fields? […]

JUN 14: Women in Mining Brown Bag Event and ‘Run for the Cure’ Launch

On June 14 2012, Women in Mining (WIM) will be hosting a brown bag networking event, and launching WIM’s Run for the Cure   Time & Date:  June 14, 2012 @ noon Place: Fasken Martineau, 2900 – 550 Burrard Street, Vancouver Presenter: Carmin Osbourne – Run For the Cure Officer BC/Yukon Event Summary: Please join […]

JUL 16: Burnaby Waste-to-Energy Facility Tour (Hosted by BC WEN)

Join the BC Women in Energy Network for a tour of the energy-from-waste facility in Burnaby BC, operated by Covanta Energy. Burnaby Waste-to-Energy Facility, operating as Covanta Burnaby, began commercial operation in February 1988 serving Metro Vancouver. The facility is located in the commercial/industrial area of South Burnaby, British Columbia and processes approximately 25 percent […]

Schedule Change: MECH 410 Global Engineering Leadership Speaker Series

ERRATA: Please note changes in the schedule: May 29: Linc Kesler, Ph.D. May 31: Leila Harris, Ph.D. MECH 410E: Global Engineering Leadership Distinguished Lecture Series at UBC ­­Upcoming Talks: May 29, 2012: Social and Political Dimensions of Water Use and Access Speaker: Leila Harris, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor, UBC: Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Institute […]

AUG 1-4: Second “Annual Women in Physics Canada” Conference

The second “Women in Physics Canada” conference will be held at the University of British Columbia Date: August 1-4, 2012 Website: http://www.physics.ubc.ca/~wipc2012 Early Bird (reduced fee) registration deadline: June 29, 2012 (Increased registration fees will be in effect afterwards) “The conference is aimed at young women in all areas of physics (including Engineering Physics and Astronomy)  primarily […]

Article: Why The Engineering, Computer Science Gender Gap Exists

The article ‘Why The Engineering, Computer Science Gender Gap Exists’ talks about how “isolation, subtle discrimination and inherent gender differences could be keeping women underrepresented in the ‘hard’ sciences and tech” Read the rest of the article here.

Congratulations: Zahra Ahmadian Awarded IEEE Canada Women in Engineering Prize

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Canada annually awards the IEEE Canada Women in Engineering prize to the nominee who has demonstrated substantial success in her undergraduate program and volunteer service to the IEEE. The prize as a whole recognizes the excellence in young women engineer professionals. This year, the prize was awarded […]

Article: Women Disappearing from Top Technology Jobs

The article ‘Women Disappearing from Top Technology Jobs’ describes the current decline in the number of women in senior technology positions in the US: “Nine per cent of U.S. chief information officers (CIOs) are female, down from 11 per cent last year and 12 per cent in 2010, according to the survey by the U.S. […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
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