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Engineering and Labor Market Study Final Report

Engineers Canada and Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists have produced a number of interesting and valuable reports from studies that feed into a major Engineering and Labor Market Study Final Report.

Key among their findings is that “In the absence of measures to change the acute and persistent gender imbalance in admissions, demographic trends will make it difficult to ensure the long-term supply of engineering and technology graduates”. Two of the studies focus specifically on girls and women and one features CCWESTT member organizations WISEST and CAGIS.

All of the reports can be accessed here The studies are:

1. 2007 Engineering and Technology Employer Survey presents the results of a survey of 701engineering and technology intensive employers. The survey was conducted between July 2007 and January 2008.

2. Survey of Engineers and Engineering Technicians and Technologists reports the results of a survey of 15,585 persons who are engineers or engineering technicians and technologists or who are otherwise employed in engineering and technology. The survey was conducted from February to December 2008.

3. Labour Market Tracking System analyzes supply and demand trends by occupation, region, and technical field. The Tracking System identified supply and demand imbalances in the latter half of 2008 and provides a technical framework for ongoing monitoring of the engineering and technology labour market.

4. Changing Roles in Engineering and Technology examines the factors that are changing the boundaries between ‘engineering work’ and ‘technology work’ and the possible implications of these changes for engineering and technology professionals.

5. Trends in Continuing Professional Development examines trends in the engineering and technology professions and compares these to other professions.

6. Trends in Licensure and Certification examines recent survey evidence and data on professional regulation of engineers and engineering technicians and technologists.

7. Achieving Diversity: Strategies that Work profiles ten examples of interventions intended to change the profile of the engineering and technology professions. The report describes initiatives to encourage more women and more aboriginal Canadians to enter the engineering profession as well as programs to accelerate the integration of internationally educated professionals into the engineering and technology labour market.

8. Right For Me? reports on a study of young women in high school and examines the factors that shape their attitudes to mathematics and science and to careers in engineering and technology.

9. Canada’s Consulting Engineering Sector in the International Economy examines trends in the export of engineering services and the factors that underpin Canada’s competitiveness. Canada is among the world’s leading exporters of engineering services.

10. The Results So Far: An Interim Report is a November 2008 report on work-in-progress. The report also presents a statistical profile of the engineering and technology labour market, based on 2006 Census data.


Engineers Canada will be addressing many of the issues raised and, together with other organizations, look forward to assisting.

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