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Survey – Are you passionate about your field of study?

The first book by Monique Frize, P. Eng., O.C., The BOLD and the BRAVE: A history of women in science and engineering discussed the education of women in past eras and contemporary times, with cameos of women who did good science and mathematics in spite of living in periods when women were barred from formal education and knowledge.

Her new book will discuss the passionate women in the 18th century who were involved in science and mathematics, with particular focus on the unique situation in Italy. The last part of the book will present statements from women students and women who work in science, engineering, or mathematics (SEM).

If you are a female undergraduate or graduate student in these fields, and wish to share your thoughts on some aspects of your field that turn you on, and if you have some advice for young people in high school to prepare their post-secondary education and career, then PLEASE fill-in the short survey found at http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/frize/index.html, and email it back to her at mfrize@gmail.com .

This study has been approved by the Carleton University Ethics Board (613-520-2517 or ethics@carleton.ca) and by the Deans of the Faculty of Engineering and Design and the Faculty of Science. You have the right NOT to participate and you have the right NOT to answer questions. Note that returning the questionnaire signifies your consent to participate. The email will be destroyed once the  questionnaire responses have been extracted and an identification code will be assigned to each questionnaire to preserve anonymity. At the end of the study, citations that are relevant and useful for the book will be included and anonymity of all responses will be preserved.  All responses will be destroyed once the book has been published.

The intent of this study is to provide examples to young students in high school about opportunities and interesting aspects of these fields, and hoping to see more women in these careers in the future.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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