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Oct 20 – CATA Women in Technology Lunch

CATA Women in Technology Forum BC Signature Lunch: Strategy – How do we get there, from here?

“Sound strategy starts with having the right goal.” (Michael Porter)

Join us for an engaging lunch with a panel of women leaders in the technology industry who will discuss their roles in key strategic positions within their organizations.  Whether it is launching a new initiative for a corporation, having responsibility for overall strategic planning or creating product and market strategies , each has its unique challenges  and opportunities.  Our panel will draw on their own experiences to share their insight on building and executing strategic initiatives in their organizations.  The panel will also participate in table discussions with attendees.

Speakers include:

Lori Guetre
General Manager, ISR Mission Solutions, MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates (MDA)

Virginia  Balcom
Director, Corporate Marketing at Sierra Wireless

Date: Wednesday October 20, 2010

Time: 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Location: Segal Graduate School of Business, SFU
500 Granville St. (@Pender)

Cost: $30 (includes lunch)

Register: online at http://www.catawit.ca/chapters/BC/events/register.asp

Information courtesy of SCWIST

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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