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Call For Contributions To a Collection Of Stories: Women in Science and Academia

Monique Dube is creating an anthology of stories about women in science and academia and wants your short story on your experience, challenges, consequences and solutions relating to women in science and academia. She hopes that the stories will be of interest to those entering the sciences and engineering, to those looking for support and affirmation, and to those in a position of authority with the responsibility to provide a safe and productive working environment. Stories can be submitted from women about themselves, women about women or they may also come from men for women.

The stories need not be long (3-6 pages) but told from a perspective that moves readers to read and gives them the desire to understand. She wishes writers to be as candid and honest as needed and if confidentiality and anonymity are required, then please advise and your identify will be protected. The intent is to collectively edit the stories and publish a book. Monique wants to know your story so you can together tell the stories to make a difference.

Please submit your stories by the end of February by email to:

Dr. Monique Dube

Canada Research Chair, University of Saskatchewan

Email: moniquedube@sasktel.net

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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