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Apr 22 – New Statistics Academic Position at Laval University

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Université Laval invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Statistics which would normally be at the Assistant Professor level. The start date for this position could be as early as July 1st, 2011.

Candidates must be able to teach (in French) courses in statistics to graduates and undergraduates, including service courses to large classes, to engage in a productive research program in pure or applied statistics, to apply for funding from the major granting bodies, to contribute to the management and promotion of the bachelor’s degree in statistics, to recruit and supervise graduate students, to assist the Statistical consultation service of the department, and more generally to contribute to the development of statistics and to the promotion of the statistical team of Université Laval.

Selection Criteria
Candidates must have obtained, or be close to obtaining, a PhD degree in statistics or an equivalent qualification ; they must demonstrate a strong potential for research in pure or applied statistics and for teaching ; and they must be able to communicate in French or be able to do so within a year. It will be considered advantageous to be able to work effectively with the group of researchers already in place and to have research interests that are complementary to those of the Chaire de recherche du Canada en échantillonnage statistique et en analyse des données or are in biostatistics.

Applications must include a CV, three letters of reference, an outline of the research program for the next three years together with the teaching philosophy of the candidate (not more than 3 pages), and up to two recent articles (preprint or off-print). Applications may be submitted via Mathjobs (https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/2731), be sent by e-mail (in pdf) to PosteStatistique@mat.ulaval.ca or by regular mail to:

Frédéric Gourdeau, directeur
Département de mathématiques et de statistique
1045, av. de la Médecine
Université Laval
Québec (Québec)
Canada G1V 0A6

Applications must be received by April 22, 2011. Interviews may start as early as March 15, 2011.

For information, please contact the Chair Frederic.Gourdeau@mat.ulaval.ca.

As an employer committed to a diverse workplace, Université Laval encourages all qualified individuals to apply – particularly women, visible and ethnic minorities, aboriginal persons, and persons with disabilities – but priority will be given to Canadians and Canadian permanent residents. Salary is determined by the collective agreement.

Information in this post provided by Laval University

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