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Ever Wonder about the Economic Value of your bachelor degree?


A report from Georgetown University based on US Census data found 8/10 of the best paid majors are Engineering disciplines.The other two in the Top 10 are Math and Computer Science and Pharmaceutical Science.

Read more here: What It’s Worth – Georgetown University Report

Excerpt from the report:
“The top 10 majors with the highest median earnings are:

  1. Petroleum Engineer ($120,000);
  2. Pharmacy/pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration ($105,000);
  3. Mathematics and Computer Sciences($98,000);
  4. Aerospace Engineering ($87,000);
  5. Chemical Engineering ($86,000);
  6. Electrical Engineering($85,000);
  7. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering ($82,000)
  8. Mechanical Engineering($80,000)
  9. Metallurgical Engineering ($80,000)
  10. Mining and Mineral Engineering ($80,000).

“Unfortunately, race and gender earnings gaps still exist in almost all fields. For example, even in their highest paid major, electrical engineering, African-Americans still earn $22,000 less than Whites and $12,000 less than Asians with the same major.

“Women tend to hold the majority of degrees in many of the lower-paying fields such as education, but even women with degrees in the higher-paying field of chemical engineering earn, on average, $20,000 less than equally educated male counterparts. ”

Read the full report: here

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