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June 2011

You are browsing the archive for June 2011.

Engineering and Labor Market Study Final Report

Engineers Canada and Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists have produced a number of interesting and valuable reports from studies that feed into a major Engineering and Labor Market Study Final Report. Key among their findings is that “In the absence of measures to change the acute and persistent gender imbalance in admissions, demographic trends […]

Save The Date – BC Women in Energy Network Launch Reception and Inaugural Event (September 26, 2011)

The BC Women in Energy Network is pleased to announce their launch reception and inaugural event, which will be held the evening of September 26th. Thanks to the generous support of Clean Energy BC, the event will be held in coordination with their annual conference “Generate 2011: Backbone of a Sustainable Economy”.  Details will be […]

Malgorzata Dubiel wins 2011 Vancouver YWCA Women of Distinction Award

Malgorzata Dubiel – Senior Lecturer of Mathematics, SFU Malgorzata strives to help students overcome “math anxiety.” With over 40 years of teaching she applies her experience to improving math education in Canada. She works with elementary school teachers and children to change the misconceptions about math that are formed at an early age. Malgorzata also […]

Celebrate an Exciting Year of Science at the Grand Finale at the Vancouver Aquarium!

Come and celebrate an incredible year of science awareness, appreciation and achievement at the grand finale for the Year of Science, held June 15, 2011 at the Vancouver Aquarium. With your aquarium admission, you can dive headfirst into the fascinating world of aquatic life as you explore Year of Science exhibits and presentations. Students, science […]

PAPER: Connecting High School Physics Experiences, Outcome Expectations, Physics Identity, and Physics Career Choice: A Gender Study

For an interesting gender study in high school experiences, expectations and career choices, please see below for the paper by Zahra Hazari, Gerhard Sonnert, Philip M. Sadler, and  Marie-Claire Shanahan (from the U of A). Abstract: This study explores how students’ physics identities are shaped by their experiences in high school physics classes and by […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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