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NOV 29: WIE(VR) Presents Judi Hess, CEO of CopperLeaf

WIE(VR) is presenting Judi Hess, CEO of CopperLeaf


Date: Thursday Nov 29th, 2012
Time: 6:30-9:30pm
Place: YWCA downtown – Welch 1 & 2 Room, 4th Floor, 535 Hornby Street, Vancouver
Map: http://tinyurl.com/ywca-vancouver
Cost: $12 in advance, $15 at the door
Registration: please send an email to engineeringwomen@gmail.com to register for this event

Judi took on the role of CEO at CopperLeaf in August 2009. In 1995 she joined Burnaby-based Creo Inc. from MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates, beginning as a program manager and rising to become president in 2002, a position she held until Creo was acquired by Eastman Kodak for just under $1 Billion USD in 2005. As part of Eastman Kodak, Judi took on the role of general manager, workflow and prepress equipment; and vice-president of the graphic communications group. Two years later, her role was expanded to include management of a portfolio of software and start-up businesses and she was appointed a corporate officer and vice-president of Eastman Kodak and the head of Kodak Canada. She is currently a member of the Premier’s Technology Council of British Columbia. Originally from Toronto, Judi and her family live in Vancouver. She holds an honours bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Waterloo, and is an avid downhill skier.


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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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