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Oct 20 : SCWIST presents Mycology Tour in Pacific Spirit Park

Mycology Tour in Pacific Spirit Park Saturday October 20th, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Want to learn more about fungi? Now is the perfect time to get outside and learn something about our local forests before the rains come in to stay.

Terry Taylor, formerly from the Science and Technology Division of the Vancouver Public Library, and current UBC Research Associate, will take up to 15 people on a walk through Pacific Spirit Park. He has studied local botany and mycology for 40 years and is a founding member of the Vancouver Mycological Society.

Terry will help you find many sorts of fungi and will explain all of the different parts of the organisms and where this group fits into the ecology of the forest. He will also let you know which species are edible.

Meet at 16th Avenue and Sasamat Street –near the entrance to UBC, and at a trailhead of Pacific Spirit Park – see below.  Start time:  10 am. It will be a 2 hour walk.

To really get down and see these fascinating life forms, if you have a hand lens or magnifying glass,  please bring it, for you will then be able to see pore structure and all of the myriad other complex parts of these fungi.

Participants should be prepared for possible cold rainy weather with enough warm clothes, as we will be doing quite a bit of standing around.


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