YWCA is looking for mentors for their High School Mentorship Program.
“What do mentors do?
Mentors are the highly valued backbone of this program. They are professional women who come from all over Vancouver, bringing a diverse range of careers and experiences. Mentors are matched with students who have similar career and/or personal interests and volunteer their time to share their life experience with a student.
After an orientation and meet and greet reception held in October/November, each mentor and her student arrange to meet for a minimum of once a month during the school year. This gives our mentors and their “mentees” an opportunity to get to know each other. What you do in these meetings is up to the mentor and mentee to decide together. Activities can involve things such as work place visits, university tours, resume or application building, or bond-building recreational activities. It is up to you and your mentee to determine how you would like your time to be spent together.”
For more information, click here.
Otherwise, contact :
Sioned – email: sdyer@ywcavan.org, ph: 604-895-5846
Laura – email: mentorship@ywcavan.org, ph: 604-895-5800 ext.5560