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2013 Canadian Postdoc Survey

This report includes a demographic profile of Canadian Postdoctoral students.  “The average Canadian postdoc is 34 years old. They are male (53%) and female (46%). Most are married or in a common-law relationship (69%). One-third (35%) have dependent children. Over 50% of Canadian postdocs are landed immigrants or on work visas.”

Most statistics in the report are related to career goals, satisfaction, salary, benefits but there are some gender statistics:

  • Satisfaction with career options is much lower for women, 38%, than men, 49%.
  • Women are paid slightly less, mean gross annual salary of $43,550, than men, $44,350.
  • Many respondents, but particularly women, used an open-ended comment box to write about the challenge of having a family while meeting the demands of their postdoctoral appointment


This report was produced by The Canadian Association of Postdoctoral Scholars/L’Association Canadienne de Stagiaires Postdoctoraux (CAPS-ACSP) and Mitacs.

Click here for the executive summary and here for the full report.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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