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By robyn3choi on December 12, 2014
The University of Auckland is accepting applications for a full-time permanent lecturer position in Applied Mathematics (a lecturer in New Zealand equivalent to an assistant professor in the US, but with tenure). To view the position description and apply, visit https://www.opportunities.auckland.ac.nz/ and search for the job ID Number 16770. The application deadline is Sunday, January […]
By robyn3choi on December 10, 2014
The Sara Kirke Award for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, sponsored by EY is presented to the woman who has shown the most outstanding technological innovation and corporate leadership — leadership that has significantly expanded the frontiers of Canada’s advanced technology industry. The purpose of the Award is to celebrate innovation, entrepreneurship and create positive role models […]
By robyn3choi on December 10, 2014
A new study from North Carolina State University shows that students are inherently biased against female professors when filling out teaching evaluations. In the study, students gave online course professors they thought were male much higher ratings than they did professors they thought were female, regardless of what gender the professors actually were. Click here […]
By robyn3choi on December 9, 2014
Click here to read the description of the Sheri Plewes Scholarship for Women in Engineering.
By robyn3choi on December 9, 2014
The Women’s Leadership Circle (WLC) is an inclusive program that embraces diversity and elevates women. They are currently accepting nominations for The Wendy McDonald Awards. Click here for more information about the awards. All nominations must be submitted by 9am on Friday, January 30, 2015.
By robyn3choi on December 9, 2014
The NSERC/Pratt & Whitney Canada Chair for Women in Science and Engineering is proud to present ‘FORWARD to Professorship Canada’ on January 8-9 at the University of Ottawa. The two-day workshop will focus on skills, strategies and “insider information” necessary to obtain and succeed in a tenure-track position in science and engineering and advance to […]
By robyn3choi on December 8, 2014
Global News talks to UBC Sauder School of Business Professor Jennifer Berdahl about the lack of female CEOs in British Columbia in this video.
By robyn3choi on December 8, 2014
Fariba Pacheleh, the current president of SCWIST, presented a powerful statement to the Standing Committee on the Status of Women in Ottawa back in November, addressing the status of women’s issues and possible solutions. Click here to read the content of her presentation.
By robyn3choi on December 8, 2014
To commemorate and empower women in engineering, following the 25th anniversary of the Ecole Polytechnique tragedy, the Chair for Women in Science and Engineering for Ontario asked leaders in the engineering community to pledge how they will support women in engineering for the next 25 years. Read their pledges at www.scieng-women-ontario.ca/en/impact25 and join the conversation on […]
By robyn3choi on November 28, 2014
A series of studies by University of Ottawa’s Education Policy Research Initiative (EPRI) tracked the income of 82,000 uOttawa graduates over a 13-year period. They found that university graduates with degrees in engineering and computer science had the highest earnings in their first year in the workforce. They also found that female graduates earned about $10,000 […]
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