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Feb 24: Deadline for submissions to Building Canada’s Economy: Best Practices for Supporting Women in Non-Traditional Sectors

Status of Women Canada in collaboration with the Labour Program and provincial and territorial partners invite you to participate in a national forum, Building Canada’s Economy: Best Practices for Supporting Women in Non-Traditional Sectors, at the Canadian Museum of Aviation and Space in Ottawa on March 25th, 2014.

This dynamic forum will include:

  • Keynote presenter, Zoe Yujnovich, Chair, Mining Association of Canada
  • Panel discussions featuring best practices in engaging and supporting women within a range of non-traditional occupations, skilled trades, technical and scientific professions
  • An Information Fair offering a networking opportunity for participant organizations
  • A special Knowledge Showcase highlighting innovative strategies and creative ideas in hiring, engaging and retaining women in non-traditional sectors


Call for Poster Presentations – Knowledge Showcase

The Knowledge Showcase is intended to complement panel discussions by highlighting innovative ideas for supporting women in non-traditional occupations. These poster presentations could include:

  • Research on barriers to women’s engagement
  • Sector-specific strategies and best practices
  • Innovative initiatives to attract women to non-traditional occupations
  • Unique supports to increase and sustain advancement

Submissions are invited from academics, students and those working in the scientific and technical professions and skilled trades.

Submission Requirements

Applicants must submit a short abstract in PDF format for evaluation. All submissions will undergo a review process. Acceptance will be based on relevance, originality, and clarity. The deadline for submissions is February 24, 2014.
Those selected will automatically be registered as a forum delegate. While participation in the forum is free, costs associated with attendance, including travel and accommodation, must be covered by the presenter.
Successful applicants will receive detailed information about poster creation and installation with the acceptance notification.

Important Dates

  • Proposal Submissions: February  24, 2014
  • Notifications: February 28, 2014


Proposal Guidelines:

Biographical Information: Organization or institution, position or title within the organization/institution, short statement of interests and CV (attached separately).
Short Description: A short summary of the main idea of your proposal, which will appear in the Conference Program.  Limit of 30 words.
Longer Description: A concise description of the purpose, methods, and implications of your work. This will be used to evaluate and place your work in the appropriate area. Maximum length 800 words.
Language: Proposals and presentations can be in English or in French (or bilingual).

For further information, please contact:

Lara Purvis
Status of Women Canada
Telephone: 819-420-6891
Email: lara.purvis@cfc-swc.gc.ca

Post Comment

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
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