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Mar 19: Deadline for SCWIST benchmarking survey

The SCWIST Women in Technology Mentoring Project is one of six projects in the Government of Canada’s Status of Women Initiative to help attract and retain women in technology and advance the Canadian digital economy.

This project will provide mentoring support, networking connections, professional development and leadership opportunities to help women reach their full potential in the technology sector and all STEM fields.

A very important step is to establish a baseline needs assessment through this Survey.  It will be used to identify gaps and opportunities for improvement, as well as help evaluate the progress of this and other Status of Women projects across Canada.
The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and should be completed by March 19.

SCWIST appreciates you taking the time to provide them with your valuable input and insights.

This project is well aligned with SCWIST goals to promote, encourage and empower women in science, engineering and technology. The project team will leverage successful SCWIST programs, benchmark other mentoring systems, work closely with target users to fully understand their needs and collaborate with key industry partners to deliver an innovative and effective mentoring model.




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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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