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CanWIT eMentorship Forum

CanWIT is encouraging both male and female leaders in the technology field, and those who were active on their original National eMentorship Platform, to join the CanWIT eMentorship Forum and provide guidance to Canada’s next generation of women leaders in technology.
If you are unable to mentor at this time, please feel free to post helpful articles or advice you’d like to share from your own experiences. Be part of the conversation!

While it has been a slow transition from the former platform, CanWIT is incredibly excited to ramp up efforts on their current forum. They are so pleased with the number of success stories that have come from the eMentorship program to date, and believe there are still many mentorship matches to make.

If you’re comfortable being featured as a mentor directly on CanWIT’s website as well, please sign-up to our forum and email Alice Debroy at adebroy@cata.ca with the following information:
1. Name
2. Title and Company: current role and organization
3. Location: city, province
4. Short bio: education and professional background, years of experience, areas of expertise
5. Why Mentorship Matters: provide a short successful mentorship experience or a quote on why mentorship is important for women in Canada’s technology sector
6. Fun fact: share something personal such as a hobby or special interest
7. Headshot
8. LinkedIn profile link

CanWIT thanks everyone who has supported this important initiative! Share. Guide. Inspire.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
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