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OCT 23: CanWIT BC’s October Breakfast Club

Join the Can WIT BC chapter on October 23 as they host Esmé Stewart and discuss Technology trends in HR.

Come and hear about the tools recruiters and employers are using to hire and manage their employees. You will learn the secrets of how Competency Management helps leadership, business functions and HR to consistently define their talent needs, discover talent within the organization and in the external market place, and develop and deploy talent effectively and efficiently across the organization.

Esmé is an executive with Accenture’s Talent and Organization group and has worked in Resources (Energy, Mining and Utilities), Financial Services (Retail Banking), Products and the Public Sector. She has 18 years of consulting experience which focused mostly on managing people and change management aspects of major transformation programs.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013
8:00 am – 9:30 am

CN Strategies Room (2800)
Segal Graduate School, SFU
500 Granville Street, Vancouver

$15 (Members) / $20 (Non-Members)
Includes continental breakfast

Register online here.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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