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Apr 16: Application Deadline for GHC Scholarship Grants

GHC Scholarship Grants enable students and faculty, who would not otherwise have the opportunity, to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC) this October in Phoenix, USA. At GHC you can connect with other women in computing and innovative organizations, hear stories from peers and experts in computing, and get quality career advice specific to your […]

Registration Open: Gender Summit 4 – EU 2014

This year’s event will focus on the cross-cutting role of gender in Horizon 2020 and how gender issues can be addressed in the major themes and topics of the 2014-2015 Work Programme, such as personalised health, water resources, energy, environment, transportation. Theme:  From Ideas to Markets: Excellence in mainstreaming gender into research, innovation, and policy […]

<a href="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/2014/03/03/news-nserc-cwse-impacts/" title="News: NSERC CWSE Impacts"><img src="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/files/2014/03/Impacts-crop-for-blog-501-150x150.png" alt="News: NSERC CWSE Impacts" class="thumbnail thumbnail " /></a>

News: NSERC CWSE Impacts

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE) have published a visual summary of their impact – how they share proven practices, reach out with direct interactions, shine a spotlight on the Chairs’ work, leverage funds, and build networks.           The […]

International Women’s Day Project: Celebrating Women at UBC

Celebrating Women at UBC is a project by the Equity Ambassadors to celebrate the amazing variety of women-identified bodies at the University of British Columbia.  Their blog is dedicated to the promotion and visibility of some of the interesting, intelligent, creative and passionate women-identified bodies at the University of British Columbia. One of the twenty-one featured women […]

Mar 3: APEGBC & UBC Salary Seminar and Industry Mixer

This event focuses on providing engineering and geoscience students with the tools for salary negotiation, and the opportunity to start building their industry contacts.  It allows students to meet and speak with professionals one-on-one in a casual setting and learn about the different career paths available to them. When:  Mar 3, 5:30 – 8:00 pm Where: […]

Article: Why Aren’t More Girls Attracted to Physics?

National Public Radio (NPR) reports on a new study by University of Texas sociologist Catherine Riegle-Crumb, which offers an interesting new perspective on this question. Riegle-Crumb found that across the US boys were more likely to take physics than girls, but at individual schools the divide was anything but constant.  When she controlled for variations, she […]

Feb 26: SBN Biotech Expo and Conference 2014

Are you interested in learning about potential careers in life sciences and biotech? Want to learn about up and coming scientific endeavours in BC from leading companies and exhibitors? Need to build your network with like-minded peers and industry professionals? Please join the Student Biotechnology Network at their Annual Biotech Expo and Conference: When: Feb […]

Article: Margaret Fulton fought for women’s education

Outspoken in her beliefs that everyone should be equal, Dr. Margaret Fulton worked to make schooling accessible and diverse. The Globe and Mail’s obituary outlines Dr. Fulton’s career path from a one-room school in rural Manitoba to president of Halifax’s Mount Saint Vincent University. For her work, Dr. Fulton received 15 honorary degrees and was […]

Article: Tech shift – More women in computer science classes

The San Francisco Chronicle (free content) reports on how some universities and colleges, including the University of California, Berkeley, are taking steps to create more diversity in their computer science programs. “Berkeley put more emphasis on the impact and relevance of computing in the world, and added pair exercises. Each class begins with a discussion […]

BC WEN is Hiring a Project Coordinator

The BC WEN is undertaking a three-year project to develop a labour market strategy for women in the energy sector, with a focus on Northern BC. The project will create a baseline understanding for the current role women play in the industry in the region, barriers to employment, opportunities for training and skill development, and […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
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