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WWEST is Hiring!

We are looking for a WWEST Program Assistant, who will provide general secretarial and administrative support

Article: Women don’t realise just how good they are, survey reveals

A recent survey from Mortimer Spinks and Computer Weekly highlights the gap between men’s and women’s self-belief in terms of their career and their abilities. “When asked how successful respondents were in achieving these career factors, on average men considered themselves 20% more successful at ‘being prepared to take risks’ (21%), ‘being ambitious’ (23%) and […]

Profile: CSME Women in Mechanical Engineering

The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering has launched a page profiling prominent women in mechanical engineering. “With this page, we intend to inspire and empower women to embark on engineering as their career while celebrating the achievements of Canadian women mechanical engineers, who have taken the leadership in the mechanical engineering profession and serve as […]

Call for Mentors – Wedu

Wedu is looking for Mentors from all sectors to develop female leadership in the least developed countries in South-East Asia!

NOV 20-22: Canadian Science Policy Conference

The Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC) brings together representatives from the public, private, academic and non-profit sectors of Canada to examine key policy challenges in science and innovation. CSPC 2013 will be held in Toronto at the Allstream Centre, November 20 to 22, 2013. The CPSC invites your organization to become a Community Partner for CSPC 2013! […]

OCT 2-3: Women in Engineering Expo

Pre-registration is now open for the Women in Engineering Expo at the University of Calgary. The event will take place October 2-3, 2013. The event will feature the following keynote speakers: Catherine Hein P.Eng, Senior Process Engineer, AMEC, Elmarie Course, P.Eng. Senior Director, Process/Specialty Engineering, Janet Holder Executive Vice President, Western Access and Jennifer Martin, […]

Video: McMaster in Moscow – Women in Engineering mini-doc featured at G(irls) 20 Summit

A mini-documentary on Women in Engineering, produced by McMaster University, was featured at the fourth annual G(irls) 20 Summit in Moscow, Russia.

Article: How IBM made itself more attractive to women

Harriet Minter explores IBM’s history of hiring a diverse workforce, and how it has maintained this practice for 60 years. “Research into what women were looking for in a career showed that they were more motivated by being part of a company that made a difference, so IBM changed its messaging. It focused recruitment advertising […]

Award: Power-Gen Woman of the Year Nominations Open

PennWell Corporation is pleased to announce that for the first time in 2013, it will be awarding an outstanding woman from the power industry the Power-Gen 2013 Woman of the Year Award. Please use the form here to nominate an outstanding woman you know for this award, which will be given during the Awards Banquet […]

JUL 11: Women in Mining Vancouver Lunch and Learn

Join us for Lunch! Due to the Popularity of The Lunch and Learns, Spaces will fill up very quickly. Please check the Punchbowl site periodically as space may come available as attendees change their responses. Women In Mining July 2013 Lunch and Learn Thursday, July 11, 2013 12 pm to 1 pm Speaker: Miranda Leffler, […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
Fax: 604.822.2403

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