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Event Funding and Promotion – Year of Science Opportunities

Funding and promotional opportunities are available through the Provincial Government’s Year of Science initiative.

There are two main ways to get involved:

1) Submit your events to the Year of Science so they will be promoted to the target audience (K-12) on the website http://yearofsciencebc.ca/

2) Apply for funding up to $40,000.

Both can be done online at: http://yearofsciencebc.ca/calendar-of-events-and-news/year-of-science-event-or-activity-submission-request/

Additional information on funding to expand an existing activity:

The Year of Science is accepting applications to expand existing events that fit in the Year of Science scope. The indication is that funding can be as high as about $40,000. The following are criteria for an event to be considered for this top-up funding. While the government does not have a deadline for these applications, we encourage you to develop any applications as soon as feasible.

Funding Proposal Criteria:

· The event has to be an existing event that has been successful but that could be expanded this year, or a single event that could create a product or material (e.g. video, handbooks) that will be of use beyond the program close in June 2011. The Year of Science will not provide funding to create one-off events developed solely for this application.
· The event has to take place before the YOS program end in June 2011.
· The event should target the K-12 cohort.
· The event should target an audience with as wide a reach as possible. The YOS is particularly, though not solely, looking for projects that can reach beyond Vancouver.

The proposal must include a specific funding ask and break-down.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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