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Young Women Doing Well With Change – Study Participants Wanted

A Study Exploring Young Women Who Are Doing Well With Change

The Adler School of Professional Psychology – Vancouver Campus

The purpose of this research project is to give working women ages 19-29 who have experienced change(s) that affect their work, and who are handling these changes well, an opportunity to describe their experiences. It also provides individuals with an opportunity to discuss what has helped or hindered them in doing well when facing these changes.

The student researcher for this study is Leila Howard, howardl@shaw.ca and the Thesis Advisor is Dr. Lee Butterfield.

We would be interested in hearing your experience of changes affecting your work IF:

  • You are a woman between the ages of 19-29
  • You have experienced changes that have affected your work in the last six months and you feel that you are doing well with these changes
  • You are currently working or were working within the last six months
  • You are willing to talk about your experience of changes that have affected your work in a confidential two-hour interview.

If you would like to participate, or would like further information about this study, please contact Leila Howard, Student Researcher, at 778-232-0479 or by e-mail at howardl@shaw.ca.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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