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Call for Nominees 2012: Lewis Perinbam Award in International Development

The Award Trustees and World University Service of Canada (WUSC) are pleased to announce the 2012 competition for the Lewis Perinbam Award in International Development.

Nominations will be accepted until Tuesday, September 25th, 2012.This year’s winner will be announced at the WUSC International Forum, November 1-3, in Ottawa.

The Award recognizes significant volunteer efforts that improve people’s lives in the developing world, that engage and inspire Canadians and others to undertake volunteer action, and that identify new ways of thinking and/or addressing difficult development challenges.

The monetary value of the Award is $2,500. It’s true value, lies in bringing international development home to Canadians, by highlighting the dedication and accomplishments of ordinary citizens.

In so doing, the Award commends individuals who make a noteworthy volunteer contribution to international development, rather than paid professionals in this arena. However, paid professionals, who make a significant voluntary effort, over and above their normal employment, are also eligible for the Perinbam Award.

For further information and nomination forms please visit:http://wusc.ca/en/lewis-perinbam-award or contact Carol Dolbel, at cdolbel@wusc.ca.

Twenty-three awards have been granted since 1983. Past Award Laureates are described at http://www.wusc.ca/en/alumni/perinbam_award.

One of Canada’s leading international development organizations, World University Service of Canada, fosters human development and global understanding through education and training.

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