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Article : Science’s Problem with Intelligent Women

This Article by Charlene Sayo highlights the Creating Connections conference.

“So why are women scientists AWOL when their smarts are greatly needed? Blame it on society’s increasingly suffocating great expectations against women, who, despite their academic scientific innovations — especially in environmental and biological research — multiple PhD’s, and numerous honorary degrees, women are still burdened to have it all, as elucidated by corporate feminism’s latest mascot, Sheryl Sandberg and her book, Lean In. These are expectations that men, in whatever field, rarely have to wrestle with. David Suzuki has never had to justify his travels over his family in the name of nature, and Neil de Grasse Tyson’s family is an extension of his public image as he incorporates them in many of his animated lectures. Bill Nye? Is he married or a bachelor for life?

When men take up endeavours, especially ones that involve new discoveries, it’s a heroic adventure. Take a woman away from the home and civilization falls apart.”

Please read the full article here.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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