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October 2013

You are browsing the archive for October 2013.

Article: Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?

In this New York Times article, Eileen Pollack asks why the gender gap in STEM continues to exist. She explores her own experiences as one of the first two women to earn a bachelor of science degree in physics from Yale in 1978, and compares it to experiences of female grad students, administrators and professors […]

16th International Conference for Women Engineers and Scientists (ICWES16) – October 2014

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and the International Network of Women Engineers (INWES) have joined forces to host the 16th International Conference for Women Engineers and Scientists (ICWES16), to be held in Los Angeles, California from October 23-25, 2014. This international conference, which has been held almost every three years since 1964, attracts engineers and scientists […]

Gender Barriers, Not Families, to Blame for Shortage of Women in STEM Careers

Researchers at the University of Texas-Austin and Cornell University have published a new study examining the factors behind the shortage of women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields. They find no evidence that women are opting out of the STEM workforce to start families, in contrast to the widespread perception that family factors […]

<a href="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/2013/10/11/international-conference-of-stem-in-education-july-2014/" title="International Conference of STEM in Education – July 2014"><img src="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/files/2013/10/STEM-in-Education-150x117.png" alt="International Conference of STEM in Education – July 2014" class="thumbnail thumbnail " /></a>

International Conference of STEM in Education – July 2014

You are cordially invited to Beautiful Vancouver, Canada next summer for STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics) Education and Our Planet: Making Connections Across Contexts July 12-15, 2014 | UBC Vancouver, Canada http://stem2014.ubc.ca/ The International Conference of STEM in Education is an opportunity for educators and researchers from schools, universities, colleges, museums, businesses, industries and other private […]

WWEST Year 3 Annual Report Released

WWEST’s annual report is now available for September 2012 – August 2013! Highlights include the self-efficacy results from Creating Connections 3.0, funding for Engendering Engineering Success, and presentations on diversity at the 2012 APEGBC AGM. Read the full report here (pdf format).

OCT 23: CanWIT BC’s October Breakfast Club

Join the Can WIT BC chapter on October 23 as they host Esmé Stewart and discuss Technology trends in HR. Come and hear about the tools recruiters and employers are using to hire and manage their employees. You will learn the secrets of how Competency Management helps leadership, business functions and HR to consistently define […]

2013 Canadian Postdoc Survey

This report includes a demographic profile of Canadian Postdoctoral students.  “The average Canadian postdoc is 34 years old. They are male (53%) and female (46%). Most are married or in a common-law relationship (69%). One-third (35%) have dependent children. Over 50% of Canadian postdocs are landed immigrants or on work visas.” Most statistics in the report […]

<a href="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/2013/10/04/oct-5-wim-run-for-the-cure/" title="OCT 5: WIM Run for the Cure"><img src="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/files/2013/10/Run_for_the_Cure_Logo-150x125.jpg" alt="OCT 5: WIM Run for the Cure" class="thumbnail thumbnail " /></a>

OCT 5: WIM Run for the Cure

WIM needs your help.  Many members of Women in Mining will be doing the CIBC Run for the Cure this weekend and they are 25% away from reaching our goal. You can be part of their team and enjoy the feeling of celebrating what they set out to do! The 37 signed up team members […]

<a href="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/2013/10/04/oct-25-tour-of-canadas-michael-smith-genome-sciences-centre/" title="OCT 25: Tour of Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre"><img src="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/files/2013/10/GSC-150x150.jpg" alt="OCT 25: Tour of Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre" class="thumbnail thumbnail " /></a>

OCT 25: Tour of Canada’s Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre

Date:     Friday, Oct 25, 2013 from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Where:  570 West 7th Ave ,Vancouver, BC V5Z 4S6 A Pro-D-day activity, for you and your budding scientist. Take a tour of the DNA sequencing labs at the Genome Sciences Centre, led by Lorraine May, GSC Lab Operations Manager. Everyone will have […]

<a href="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/2013/10/04/canwit-social-media-network/" title="CanWIT Social Media Network"><img src="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/files/2013/10/CanWIT-logo-150x140.png" alt="CanWIT Social Media Network" class="thumbnail thumbnail " /></a>

CanWIT Social Media Network

CanWIT invites your women executive peers to join their CanWIT Linkedin Group. The goal is to make the Group the go-to peer networking site for sharing information, providing alerts and keeping everyone informed about career opportunities. Note also that the Group has a special Newsletter that enables all members to include their news. Simply contact […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
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