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Apr 1: Deadline for SCWIST mentor volunteer applications

Spring is (almost) here and SCWIST is excited that their next eMentoring session is right around the corner!

The Spring 2014 session will start on April 6 and there is already a long waitlist of young women who would like to participate. The program has continued to grow each session and SCWIST consistently gets many more applications than they have mentors for.

Jeannine McCormack, ms infinity Program Coordinator, will be accepting mentor volunteer applications until April 1st.
For an application package and more information about the program, please contact Jeannine at msinfinity@scwist.ca.

Mentors can be anywhere in Canada – the entire program is done online!

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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