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May 25: Symposium for Women Entering Ecology & Evolution Today

SWEEET addresses issues that influence the advancement of women from postgraduate degrees in ecology and evolution into academic, government, NGO and industry positions.

The 6th SWEEET will be held in Montreal, Quebec, during the Genomes to/aux Biomes conference, a joint meeting of CSEE, the Canadian Society of Zoologists, and the Society of Canadian Limnologists. All participants of Genomes to/aux Biomes are welcome to attend SWEEET.

When: May 25, 9 am – 1 pm
Where:  Downtown Montreal (location TBA)

The goals of the 2014 symposium are to provide a safe space to:

  • Discuss and learn about the reasons someone may not be an effective self-advocate in science
  • Develop tools to improve key skills in self-advocacy


The symposium features three speakers, a large group discussion, and a catered lunch.
Dr. Steven Spencer (University of Waterloo), will talk about his research in identifying stereotype threat as a challenge to women’s performance in STEM fields.
Dr. Catherine Potvin (McGill University) and Dr. Yolanda Morbey (Western University) will speak about their experiences advocating for themselves in their careers as scientists.
Following the presentations, there will be questions and group discussions.
The symposium will close with a catered buffet lunch, allowing participants time for informal discussion with SWEEET panellists, guests, organizers, and each other.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
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