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You are browsing the archive for 2014.

Article: Keep Gender Stereotypes Out of Raising Kids

This article in the Huffington Post discusses the gender-stereotype-laden environment that children grow up in, from conversation topics to the clothes they wear. The article points out that skill-building toys like Lego are being increasingly marketed to girls, but more solutions are needed to make an impact. “I like your hat, that colour looks great […]

September 13: Tools for Transitions Workshop Series

SCWIST and registered clinical counsellor Sally Halliday will be hosting a four-part workshop series called Tools for Transitions.This series will provide opportunities to reflect, discuss, and actively engage with other women in science and technology and to deepen the exploration of key career and life questions. The workshops will take place from 9:30am-12:30pm on September […]

Article: How much less does a female grad earn?

A survey of Harvard’s class of 2014 reveals that the wage gap between women and men persists, even for Harvard graduates entering the same field. “According to the survey, while 29 per cent of the male grads going into finance reported earning a starting salary of more than $90,000, not one woman could boast the […]

Article: In after-school program, girls link elegance of dance and math

SHINE, an after-school program launched by Massachusetts Institute of Technology student, Kirin Sinha, combines dance and math for middle school girls. Sinha aims to challenge the stereotype that boys are better than girls at math, and help girls gain self-confidence with their math skills through dance. Click here to read the full article.

Article: Fathers doing chores at home linked to raising daughters who seek out less stereotypical careers

Research from University of British Columbia has found that when fathers share a more equal amount of domestic duties with their partner, their daughters tend to pursue less traditional careers. “Because this is a correlational study, we don’t actually know what that psychological process was underlying these findings, so that’s a question for future research,” […]

Article: How “Computer Geeks” replaced “Computer Girls”

Historian Nathan Ensmenger explains how computer programming, a field that used to be a popular career choice for women in the 1960s, transformed into the male-dominated entity it is today. Asked to picture a computer programmer, most of us describe the archetypal computer geek, a brilliant but socially-awkward male … It may be surprising, then, […]

Article: Are Women Engineers Really in Demand?

Researchers found that hiring managers are less likely to employ women in STEM fields. “Studies that seek to answer why there are more men than women in STEM fields typically focus on women’s interests and choices,” says Ernesto Reuben, an assistant professor of management at Columbia, in a news release. “This may be important, but […]

June 3: Deciphering Canadian Culture

New to Canada? Want to know what, when, and how to demonstrate professionalism at work? Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST) and Immigrant Women in Science (IWIS) are hosting a networking session and Q&A with Canadian culture coach, Lorraine Graves. This event will take place Tuesday June 3 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm […]

Article: Google Reveals Workforce Diversity

For the first time, Google has released a report disclosing the gender and racial makeup of its employees. The lack of diversity is disappointing and “not where we want to be,” according to Google’s Senior Vice President of People Operation. As of January, 70% of Google employees were men and 30% were women. The report […]

May 31 & June 14: Grade 7 GIRLsmarts Workshops

The GIRLsmarts program, now in its 11th year, has launched Grade 7 GIRLsmarts workshops which will take place on May 31 and June 14 (9:00am – 3:30pm). GIRLsmarts is a excellent opportunity for elementary school aged girls to explore and learn about computer science. The workshops feature hands-on activities, cool demos, and even some extras […]

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