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<img width="125" height="100" src="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/files/2013/07/APEGBC-report-125x100.png" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" />

Article: Where are the women? B.C. task force looks at gender imbalance in engineering

APEGBC’s Women in Engineering and Geoscience Task Force recently released their recommendations for increasing gender diversity in engineering and geoscience.

AUG 8: False Creek District Energy System Tour

The BC Women in Energy Network (BC WEN) is hosting a free tour of the False Creek District Energy System on August 8th at 10:00am. Space is limited to only a dozen people so please reserve a spot by e-mailing jessica.mcilroy@bcwen.ca asap!

Report: APEGBC Women in Engineering and Geoscience Task Force

The APEGBC Women in Engineering and Geoscience Task Force delivers their report on increasing the number of women in engineering and geoscience professions. “The outcome of the work of the Task Force identified that there is no time to waste. APEGBC needs to act now to catch up with other Associations and the Federal Government and […]

Article: Gender divide in applied sciences is wide – but narrowing

In this article, Gloria Galloway highlights the small gains women have made in receiving Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) degrees and in the STEM workforce, using the 2011 data from Statistics Canada’s National Household Survey. “The Statistics Canada data suggest that although there were nearly three times as many female engineers between the ages […]

JUN 18: BC Women in Energy Network presents The Future of Transportation

The Future of Transportation: A Discussion on Transportation Options and Initiatives Join us for a discussion on the current and future options being pursued for our transportation future. Guests speakers will give brief remarks followed by a facilitated discussion. Coffee, tea, juice and baked goods will be provided. Tuesday June 18th, 8:00am – 10:00am Brix […]

JUL 25-27 : Women in Physics Canada 2013

Third annual conference for women physics students, post-docs and early career professionals at SFU Burnaby. This three-day conference will feature seven invited speakers from a wide range of physics fields, three panel discussions on topics relevant to women in physics and parallel sessions where attendees may present their research. In addition there will be plenty […]

Article : Science’s Problem with Intelligent Women

This Article by Charlene Sayo highlights the Creating Connections conference. “So why are women scientists AWOL when their smarts are greatly needed? Blame it on society’s increasingly suffocating great expectations against women, who, despite their academic scientific innovations — especially in environmental and biological research — multiple PhD’s, and numerous honorary degrees, women are still […]

JUN 13 : HR Macmillan Space Centre presents Inspiring Tomorrow’s Leaders

Thursday, June 13, 7:00 pm Transforming Human-Robot Interaction – Dr. Elizabeth Croft Depictions of robots vary from the helpful humanoid to destructive, evil entities. In reality, most robots are used in lab or industrial settings.  These robots are fast, strong and accurate, but not ideal co-workers. They don’t communicate well with humans, and are not […]

Congratulations: Dr. Croft for winning the YWCA Women of Distinction Award

Dr. Elizabeth Croft won the YWCA women of distinction award in th Education, Training & Development sector. Award Citation: “For more than 18 years, Elizabeth has been at the forefront of the campaign to increase the number of women engineering graduates. A dedicated engineer and professor of mechanical engineering at UBC, she is a passionate advocate for increased […]

Photos: Women of Distinction award winners

Please view photos of the Women of distinction award winners here .

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
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