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CanWIT eMentorship Forum

CanWIT is encouraging both male and female leaders in the technology field, and those who were active on their original National eMentorship Platform, to join the CanWIT eMentorship Forum and provide guidance to Canada’s next generation of women leaders in technology. If you are unable to mentor at this time, please feel free to post helpful […]

Creating Connections 2013 Final Report

300 participants attended the third biennial Creating Connections conference from May 10 to 11, 2013 at UBC. The event featured a wide range of topics on gender diversity.  Attendees engaged in meaningful dialogue about the participation of women in science, engineering and technology through interactive workshops, networking sessions and keynote speeches. Beyond networking, community building, […]

May 25: Symposium for Women Entering Ecology & Evolution Today

SWEEET addresses issues that influence the advancement of women from postgraduate degrees in ecology and evolution into academic, government, NGO and industry positions. The 6th SWEEET will be held in Montreal, Quebec, during the Genomes to/aux Biomes conference, a joint meeting of CSEE, the Canadian Society of Zoologists, and the Society of Canadian Limnologists. All participants of Genomes to/aux Biomes […]

Apr 12: SCWIST Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup

Join SCWIST and their friends for a Saturday morning at the beach! When: April 12, 10:30 am Where:  On the shoreline at the bottom of the Balaclava Stairs The rocky shoreline parallel to Point Grey Road is only accessible during low tide, from the Balaclava Street stairs to the Dunbar Street stairs. The access points […]

Apr 1: Deadline for SCWIST mentor volunteer applications

Spring is (almost) here and SCWIST is excited that their next eMentoring session is right around the corner! The Spring 2014 session will start on April 6 and there is already a long waitlist of young women who would like to participate. The program has continued to grow each session and SCWIST consistently gets many […]

Apr 9: Women and Leadership Event

Join the Sauder School of Business, MBA Program, at the Women and Leadership Event to hear inspiring stories from influential female leaders of Canadian and international companies and learn their secrets for making it to the senior management level. When:  April 9, 6 – 9 pm Where:  Vancouver Art Gallery Registration:  Free with online RSVP […]

<a href="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/2014/03/19/mar-31-deadline-for-engineers-canadas-career-focus-special-price/" title="Mar 31: Deadline for Engineers Canada’s Career Focus special price"><img src="https://wwest.mech.ubc.ca/files/2014/03/engineerscanada_careerfocus-150x150.jpg" alt="Mar 31: Deadline for Engineers Canada’s Career Focus special price" class="thumbnail thumbnail " /></a>

Mar 31: Deadline for Engineers Canada’s Career Focus special price

March is Engineering Madness! Take advantage of Engineers Canada’s special National Engineering Month price of $50. Ready to sign up for an engineering career? With so many options for university and college programs, how will you pick the one that is right for you? Engineers Canada’s Career Focus can help. Sign up and use the […]

May 9-10: Pacific Northwest – Celebration of Women in Computing 2014

Over 100 women in Computer Science from the Pacific Northwest region will come together at UBC’s Point Grey campus for two days of professional development, networking and inspirational activities. Students will get a chance to hear from, interact with and be mentored by industry professionals, researchers and faculty members. The theme this year is passion […]

Mar 19: Deadline for SCWIST benchmarking survey

The SCWIST Women in Technology Mentoring Project is one of six projects in the Government of Canada’s Status of Women Initiative to help attract and retain women in technology and advance the Canadian digital economy. This project will provide mentoring support, networking connections, professional development and leadership opportunities to help women reach their full potential […]

May 13: Women in Mining & VIP Reception – CIM 2014

Meet and network with a diverse group of people from the mining industry. Women in Mining Vancouver will be partnering with the CIM 2014 Convention to host their annual Women in Mining Cocktail reception.  Join them for a fantastic event and enjoy a drink, appetizers and a chance to win one of the amazing door […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

2010-2015 NSERC Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (BC and Yukon Region)
2054 - 6250 Applied Science Lane,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604.827.4090
Fax: 604.822.2403

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